Alignment of nucleotide sequences and partial predicted amino acid sequences of the ORF1-ORF2 junctions of NLV GI (A) and GII (B). The nucleotide sequences of NLV GI were aligned from nt 5254 to 5425 in Norwalk/68, and those of NLV GII were aligned from nt 4981 to 5152 in Camberwell. The strain name and accession number are shown beside its sequence; a lowercase letter in the strain name indicates a different clone from the same stool specimen. Some strains with identical sequence are omitted from the figure. The conserved amino acid sequences of NLV GI ORF1 are indicated above the sequences between nt 5279 and 5371 in Norwalk/68, and those of ORF2 are indicated between nt 5358 and 5381. The conserved amino acid sequences of NLV GII ORF1 are indicated above the nucleotide sequences between nt 4988 and 5101 in Camberwell, and those of ORF2 are indicated between nt 5085 and 5108. The asterisks below the alignment show consensus nucleotide sequences. Arrows and double lines show locations of newly designed primers and probes, respectively, used in this study.