Bacterial strains used in this study to test specificity of the nosZ1 and nosZ2 primers
Strain | Group | Presence of nosZ | N2O reduction | Quantitative PCR result with primer type:
nosZ1 | nosZ2 | ||||
Bacillus senegalensis M1518 | Firmicutes | NDb | + | − | − |
Bacillus cereus M944 | Firmicutes | ND | + | − | − |
Bacillus licheniformis SN530 | Firmicutes | ND | − | − | − |
Bradyrhizobium japonicum 562 | α-Proteoa | + | ND | + | − |
Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 | α-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Sinorhizobium morelense SN611 | α-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Hyphomicrobium denitrificans DSM 1869 | α-Proteo | + | ND | + | − |
Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 | α-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Rhizobium meliloti 50 | α-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Alcaligenes faecalis ATCC 8750 | β-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Achromobacter cycloclastes ATCC 21921 | β-Proteo | + | ND | + | + |
Achromobacter xylosoxidans M129 | β-Proteo | + | + | + | + |
Pseudomonas denitrificans CCUG 2519 | γ-Proteo | + | ND | + | − |
Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12 | γ-Proteo | + | + | + | + |
Escherichia coli JM109 | γ-Proteo | − | − | − | − |
Proteo, proteobacteria.
ND, not determined.