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. 2006 Jul 6;4:7. doi: 10.1186/1478-7954-4-7

Table 1.

Study Population by Patient Demographic Characteristics, All VHA Users in 2004

N (%)

All Users Users with SR race/ethnicity Users with SR and OR race/ethnicity
Total 4,814,175 1,890,649 988,277

 < 55 1,321,901 (27.46) 517,268 (27.36) 251,083 (25.41)
 55 – 64 1,164,843 (24.20) 493,638 (26.11) 258,052 (26.11)
 65 – 74 1,067,405 (22.17) 409,489 (21.66) 219,427 (22.20)
 75 – 84 1,061,298 (22.05) 396,189 (20.96) 216,433 (21.90)
 85 and over 198,728 (4.13) 74,065 (3.92) 43,282 (4.38)

 Male 4,425,937 (91.94) 1,785,358 (94.43) 938,471 (94.96)
 Female 388,233 (8.06) 105,291 (5.57) 49,806 (5.04)
 Unknown 5 (0.00)

 Northeast 768,974 (15.97) 300,152 (15.88) 156,537 (15.84)
 Midwest 1,070,858 (22.24) 417,123 (21.06) 219,503 (22.21)
 South 1,976,662 (41.06) 845,155 (44.70) 443,063 (44.83)
 West 997,679 (20.72) 328,217 (17.36) 169,174 (17.12)
 Unknown 2 (0.00) 2 (0.00)

Race, New Standards§
 White 1,497,743 (31.11) 1,497,743 (79.22) 769,661 (77.88)
 Black or African American 314,564 (6.53) 314,564 (16.64) 180,007 (18.21)
 AIAN 7,986 (0.17) 7,986 (0.42) 3,737 (0.38)
 Asian or Pacific Islander 31,310 (0.65) 31,310 (1.66) 14,262 (1.44)
 Multiracial 13,135 (0.27) 13,135 (0.69) 7,347 (0.74)
 By OB and PROXY 1,314 (0.03)
 Inconsistent 5,203 (0.11)
 Missing or Unknown 2,942,920 (61.13)

Ethnicity, New Standards
 Hispanic 100,727 (2.09) 100,727 (5.33) 57,085 (5.78)
 Non-Hispanic 1,743,996 (36.23) 1,577,729 (83.45) 815,150 (82.48)
 Unknown 2,969,452 (61.68) 212,193 (11.22) 116,042 (11.74)

* SR indicates self-reported; OR, observer-recorded; AIAN, American Indian or Alaska Native; OB, observation; PROXY, proxy report.

§The percentages in the last two columns do not add up to 100% due to those who identified themselves as Hispanic but did not report a valid race value.