FIG. 3.
Luciferase activities of various P/L replicons as a measure of RNA replication. (A) RNAs from dual-cre P/L replicons with second rescuer cre elements derived from poliovirus, HRV2, or HRV14. Transfection of RNA and luciferase activity measurements are described in Materials and Methods. Even-numbered lanes, transfections repeated in the presence of 2 mM guanidine-HCl (GnHCl). arts, artificial. (B) Dual-cre luciferase replicons with the rescuer cre from poliovirus carrying point mutations in G1, A2, and A14 in the core cre sequence were tested for their ability to replicate in HeLa R19 cells. The nomenclature is as follows. P/L refers to the parental replicon plasmid followed by A5C when it carries an inactivating mutation in the 2CATPase coding sequence. This is followed by the sequences of the rescuer cre and the insertion site (N, NheI; E, EcoRI; S, SacI).