FIG. 4.
In vitro uridylylation of VPg using either a dual-cre P/L replicon or mutated PV-cre RNAs as the template. Uridylylation reactions were performed as described in Materials and Methods. (A) Dual-cre replicons carrying a lethal (A5C) mutation in the 2CATPase coding sequence with a rescuer cre from HRV14 or HRV2 or a mutant U11C HRV2-cre (predicted by the Zuker program to enlarge the terminal loop of HRV2-cre to resemble that of HRV14-cre). (B) VPg uridylylation using inactivated dual-cre (SLtm; triple mutant) replicons as templates and the rescuer wt PV-cre inserted at different locations. (C) Mutant or wt cre RNAs as templates in VPg uridylylation.