Specificity of the anti-CT813 antibody. Both the mouse anti-CT813 and anti-IncG antibodies as indicated along the left side of the figure were preabsorbed with or without either the corresponding or heterologous fusion proteins, as indicated at the top of the figure. (A) The mouse anti-CT813 and anti-IncG antibodies with or without preabsorption (red) plus the rabbit antibody R1L2 (green; labeling chlamydial organisms) and Hoechst (blue) were applied to the cells infected with L2 serovar for 40 h. The anti-CT813 and anti-IncG antibody stainings were shown in both single-color (a to c and g to i) and tricolor (d to f and j to l) images. Note that both the anti-CT813 (a and d) and anti-IncG (g and j) antibodies labeled the inclusion membrane. However, anti-CT813 labeling was blocked by preabsorption with GST-CT813 (b and e) but not GST-IncG (c and f) while anti-IncG labeling was blocked by GST-IncG (i and l) but not GST-CT813 (h and k). (B) The mouse anti-CT813 and anti-IncG antibodies with or without preabsorption were applied to nitrocellulose membranes, each blotted with the SDS-PAGE-resolved protein samples (GST-CT813 [lane 1], GST-IncG [lane 2], and L2-infected HeLa cell lysates [lane 3]), as indicated at the top of the figure. Note that anti-CT813 (a) and anti-IncG (d) stained both the corresponding endogenous and fusion protein bands. However, anti-CT813 staining was blocked by preabsorption with GST-CT813 (b) but not GST-IncG (c) while anti-IncG staining was blocked by GST-IncG (f) but not GST-CT813 (e). Anti-IncG also picked up the GST-CT813 band (d) due to anti-IncG's ability to recognize GST, and this staining was removed by GST-CT813 preabsorption (e). Arrows on the left point to the molecular mass markers and, on the right, label the corresponding protein bands. endo., endogenous.