FIG. 1.
Construction of PrV-ΔUL11. (A) A schematic map of the PrV genome shows the unique long (UL) and unique short (US) regions, the inverted repeat sequences (IR and TR), and the positions of BamHI restriction sites. Numbers indicate BamHI restriction fragments. (B) Enlargement of the PrV UL11 gene region. The UL14, UL13, UL12, and UL11 genes are transcribed into 3′-coterminal mRNAs which share a common polyadenylation signal (arrow pointing down). The UL11 gene is followed by a region containing direct repeat elements. Glycoprotein gM encoded by the UL10 gene is transcribed in anti-parallel orientation followed by a polyadenylation signal (arrow pointing up). (C and D) Construction of PrV-ΔUL11 (C) and sequence comparison to wild-type PrV-Ka (D) are shown. Start and stop codons of the UL11 ORF and the stop codon of the UL12 ORF are shown in bold, the SstI and StyI sites used for deletion and the introduced PmlI site are underlined, and the 36 nucleotides of the remaining FRT site are shown in boldface italics.