Figure 2.
Phylogenic positions of eukaryotes with fully sequenced genomes. The allocation of eukaryotes to five major phyla (surrounded by ovals) is based on two recent syntheses (35,36). No assumption is made as to the root of these eukaryotic phyla. Seventeen species with fully sequenced genomes were taken into account, and are designated by the following symbols. Fungi: Sc (S.cerevisiae), Sp (Sch.pombe); Cn (Cryptococcus neoformans), Ec (Encephalitozoon cuniculi). Animals: Hs (H.sapiens), Dm (Drosophila melanogaster), Ce (Caenorhabditis elegans). Amoebozoans: Dd (D.discoideum), Eh (E.histolytica). Plants: At (A.thaliana), Os (O.sativa). Alveolates: Pf (P.falciparum), Cp (Cryptosporidium parvum), Tp (Theileria parva). Excavates: Tc (T.cruzi), Tb (T.brucei), Lm (L.major), Gl (G.lamblia).