Figure 8.
Amplification of crude cell lysates by cHDA. (A) Cells harboring pREP (6 kb) were separately collected from five individual colonies (lanes 1–5) randomly selected from a transformation plate and used in the cHDA reactions after incubation at 95°C for 3 min. Lane M, 2-log DNA marker (NEB). (B) Determining detection sensitivity of cHDA. Parallel reactions were performed using resuspended cells, harboring pREP (6 kb), which were serially diluted and plated to determine the cell density. Lanes are as follows: lane M, 2-log DNA ladder; lane 1, 6 × 106; lane 2, 3 × 106; lane 3, 1.5 × 106; lane 4, 7.7 × 105; lane 5, 3.9 × 105; lane 6, 1.9 × 105; lane 7, 9.6 × 104; lane 8, 4.8 × 104; lane 9, 2.4 × 104; lane 10, 1.2 × 104; lane 11, 6000; and lane 12, 3000 cells.