Figure 3.
Relative contents of Chl and Chlide in wild-type, coi1, and transgenic plants. Contents of Chl and Chlide from leaves of wild-type (wt), coi1 mutant, sense (wtS, coi1S), and antisense (wtA) plants that were extracted in 1 mL of acetone. The amount of extractable Chl per gram of fresh weight did not vary significantly in wild-type, coi1, and transgenic plants (A). By contrast, Chide contents in leaves of sense plants were significantly higher than in wild-type, coi1, and wtA1 plants (B). C, In vivo Chlase activity (Chlide/Chl) was increased in sense plants, but diminished in the antisense wtA1 and coi1 mutant. D, The ratio of Chlide a to Chlide b was higher in sense than in wild-type, wtA1, and coi1 plants, indicating that CORI1 activity is increased toward Chl a. Values are the mean of 10 independent measurements plus the sd.