Gain-of-ANT-function prolongs meristematic potential in developing and mature organs. (A) Growth of leaves in control and 35S::ANT seedlings. Length of leaves from six vector-only controls and six 35S::ANT plants was measured at 16, 19, 21, and 26 days after germination (DAG). (B) Effect of ANT activity on CycD3 RNA level in line AYM19.4.7. (C) Ectopic ANT expression causes abnormal outgrowth of cells, or neoplasia. Nine-week-old control and 35S::ANT leaves were excised and placed on an MS-agar plate without phytohormones and were photographed two weeks after excision. Calli (arrowhead) and adventitious roots (arrows) were formed around the cut surface of the 35S::ANT leaf. Inset shows an enlargement of the mass of calli in the 35S::ANT leaf. (D) A stem of a 19-week-old, 35S::ANT plant shows clusters of green growing calli (arrowheads).