General |
1. Conscious states are unitary, integrated, and constructed by the brain. |
2. They can be enormously diverse and differentiated. |
3. They are temporally ordered, serial, and changeable. |
4. They reflect binding of diverse modalities. |
5. They have constructive properties including gestalt, closure, and phenomena of filling in. |
Informational |
1. They show intentionality with wide-ranging contents. |
2. They have widespread access and associativity. |
3. They have center periphery, surround, and fringe aspects. |
4. They are subject to attentional modulation, from focal to diffuse. |
Subjective |
1. They reflect subjective feelings, qualia, phenomenality, mood, pleasure, and unpleasure. |
2. They are concerned with situatedness and placement in the world. |
3. They give rise to feelings of familiarity or its lack. |