Figure 4.
Microinduction of phragmoplastin gene expression leads to an altered pattern of NTPHAN transcript accumulation. (A) Control apex hybridized with an antisense probe for NTPHAN. Transcripts accumulate at the I1 site of presumptive leaf formation. (B) Longitudinal section through the I2 position of a control apex, hybridized as in A. No signal is visible. (C) Longitudinal section through the I2 position of a Tet∷SDL12-1 apex in which microinduction was performed 16 h previously at the I2 position. Hybridization was as in A. Signal is visible. (D) Cross section through the apex of a Tet∷SDL12-1 plant treated and hybridized as in C. Signal is visible at both the I1 and I2 positions indicated in F. (E) Cellular outline of the section shown in C. Cells in the outer layer sharing anticlinal walls have been highlighted. (F) Outline of the section in D to indicate the I1 and I2 positions and primordia P3, P2, and P1. (G) Control apex hybridized with an antisense probe for NBYABBY. Signal is seen at the I1 site of presumptive leaf formation and on the abaxial side of the leaf primordium P1. (H) Longitudinal section through the apex of a Tet∷SDL12-1 plant in which microinduction was performed 16 h previously at the I2 position. The section was hybridized as in G. (Bars = 100 μm.)