Time course of two-photon photolysis of Bhc-glu
(9) at 740 nm (average power 530 mW exiting the cuvet, 172
fs pulse width), compared with breakdown of l-glutamic acid
α-(3,4-dimethoxy-6-nitrobenzyl) ester (DMNB-glu, 2) with
or without irradiation. ●, Percentage of Bhc-glu remaining
from an initial concentration of 100 μM. Solid line, least-squares
curve fit to a simple decaying exponential, which gave a time constant
of 38 min. The initial rate of this photolysis run, combined with Eq.
3, gave a value of δu2 = 0.85 GM. The mean ± SD of
4 runs was 0.95 ± 0.21 GM. □, Percentage of DMNB-glu
remaining under the same conditions. Dashed line, a decaying
exponential of time constant 19.8 h, which had been separately
measured over much longer times for the breakdown of DMNB-glu in the
dark in 100 mM KMops, pH 7.2. Thus the pulsed IR laser beam does not
detectably increase the rate of DMNB-glu breakdown.