Detection of rsp genes in Erysipelothrix strains by Southern hybridization. PCR-amplified rspA (A) and rspB (B) fragments were hybridized with rspA and rspB probes, respectively. Lanes: 1, Fujisawa; 2, 422/1E1; 3, ATCC 19414T; 4, SE-9; 5, Doggerscharbe; 6, Pécs 67; 7, Tuzok; 8, Goda; 9, Kaparek; 10, IV12/8; 11, Pécs 9, 12, Pécs 3597; 13, Tanzania; 14, 545; 15, 2017; 16, Bano 36; 17, MEW 22; 18, ATCC 43339T.