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. 2002 Dec;40(12):4700–4704. doi: 10.1128/JCM.40.12.4700-4704.2002


Comparison of the OvHV-2 load in the organs of the urogenital tract

Organ Ov HV-2 loada
Mean Median Max Min
1 4 5 6 8
Epididymis 709 16,593 1,381,214 3,395 952 280,573 3,395 1,381,214 709
Vesicular gland 4,312 3,382 7,329 39,683 2,878 11,517 4,312 39,683 2,878
Ampulla of the deferent duct 484 534 12,670 22,707 1,384 7,556 1,384 22,707 484
Testis 706 1,902 28,055 3,264 1,204 7,026 1,902 28,055 706
Prostate gland 1,455 1,747 14,981 2,557 6,342 5,416 2,557 14,981 1,455
Urinary bladder 504 8,074 3,476 848 3,791 3,339 3,476 8,074 504
Kidney 42 1,036 890 382 5,974 1,665 890 5,974 42
Urine - - - - - - - - -

The numbers indicate the load of OvHV-2 DNA copies per 6 × 108 copies of cellular DNA. Individual values, as well as maximum (Max), minimum (Min), median, and mean values are shown.


-, Negative, i.e., no OvHV-2 DNA was detected.