Phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequence of the VP7-encoding gene for B1711 and other G6 rotaviruses in GenBank. The VP7 sequences (and their GenBank accession numbers) are as follows: KN-4 (D12710), VMRI29 (U50332), MC27 (AF162435), C8338 (U14997), AG6.01 (AF207063), ASG6.02 (AF421183), MG6 (U22011), MG6.01 (AF207062), PA169 (L20880), BRV003 (U62154), B60 (M64680), IND (U15000), UK (M22306), WC3 (AY050272), NCDV (M12394), RF (X65940), MW333 (AJ278257). The number adjacent to the nodes represent the percentage of bootstrap support (of 1,000 replicates) for the clusters to the right of the node. Bootstrap values lower than 75% are not shown. Abbreviations: BO, bovine; HU, human.