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. 2003 Apr;69(4):2284–2291. doi: 10.1128/AEM.69.4.2284-2291.2003


Experimental conditions of the B. subtilis spore inactivation study

Water sample pH t-Butanol present DOC (mg/liter) No. of exp. seta No. of samples C0 (mg/liter)b No. of microorganisms (104 CFU/ml) k′ (s−1) (10−2)c
pH-controlled distilled water 5.6 No 6 30 1.00-1.82 26-32 0.06
7.1 No 5 20 1.38-1.50 26-32 0.18
8.2 No 6 33 0.91-1.65 26-32 0.26
5.6 Yes 3 12 1.30-1.63 25-39 0.06
7.1 Yes 3 12 1.32-1.55 26-39 0.18
8.2 Yes 3 12 1.55-1.75 26-39 0.26
Water containing humic acid 7.1 No 1.2 2 11 2.50-3.00 20-50 0.54
8.2 No 1.5 2 11 2.85-3.85 23-49 0.71
7.1 Yes 1.2 2 9 2.15-3.20 22-45 0.54
8.2 Yes 1.5 2 11 3.20-4.05 18-35 0.71
River water 5.7 No 2.4 2 10 1.50-2.10 21-49 0.26
7.1 No 2.4 2 9 1.40-1.90 30-45 0.38
8.2 No 2.4 2 10 1.00-2.10 20-50 0.53
8.2 Yes 2.4 2 9 1.00-2.10 33-45 0.53

No. of exp. set, number of independent experimental set.


C0, initial ozone concentration.


k′, first-order ozone decay constant [found in C = C0 exp (−k′t)].