FIG. 5.
IκB super-repressor inhibits TMEV-induced cytokine gene expression. The specific role of NF-κB in cytokine expression was further demonstrated by use of the adenovirus IκB super-repressor. The infection of primary astroctyes with control adenoviruses (Adv-Gfp) showed virtually 100% infectivity as determined by FACS (data not shown). Adenoviruses expressing an IκB mutant (Adv-IκB) (MOI = 25 and 100) or control expressing GFP (Adv-Gfp) (MOI = 100) were used to infect astrocytes 24 h prior to TMEV infection (TV). Infection of Adv-IκB or Adv-Gfp alone did not induce any background nor did Adv-Gfp inhibit TMEV-mediated cytokine expression.