FIG. 3.
Expression of c-myc and bic in doubly infected CEFs. (a) CEF cultures were simultaneously infected with two viruses as indicated, and total RNA from these cultures was subjected to Northern analysis as described in Materials and Methods. myc plus bic, RCASBP(A)-myc and RCASBP(B)-bic; myc plus RCAS, RCASBP(A)-myc and RCASBP(B); bic plus RCAS, RCASBP(A) and RCASBP(B)-bic; RCASs, RCASBP(A) and RCASBP(B). (b) Protein lysates prepared from doubly infected CEF cultures were separated by electrophoresis and subjected to Western blot analysis using monoclonal antibodies against c-Myc. The p55 myc protein expressed by RCASBP(A)-myc is indicated. The lanes are designated as in a. The faster-migrating bands represent cross-reactive proteins.