FIG. 1.
Adenovirus and AAV vector-induced chemokine expression in vitro determined by an RNase protection assay of AdlacZ- or AAVlacZ-transduced cells. (A) REC cells were transduced with increasing titers of AdlacZ (1 × 103 to 70 × 103 part/cell) or AAVlacZ (15 × 103 to 200 × 103 part/cell). AdlacZ induced the expression of RANTES, MIP-1β, MIP-2, and IP-10 in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, AAVlacZ failed to induce chemokine expression above baseline at titers 40-fold greater. (B) HeLa cells transduced with increasing titers of AdlacZ (1 × 103 to 70 × 103 part/cell) are induced to express RANTES, IP-10, MIP-1α, and IL-8 in a dose-dependent manner. AAVlacZ (15 × 103 to 200 × 103 part/cell) does not induce chemokine expression in HeLa cells. VH, sucrose vehicle.