Immunohistochemistry of HFE
protein and TfR in human duodenum. Immunoperoxidase staining of the HFE
protein shows that the most intense signal is confined to the crypt
enterocytes (A and C). The TfR shows
wider distribution along the crypt-villus axis (B), but
heavier staining at the basolateral surface of the crypt cells
(D). Double immunostaining of the HFE protein and TfR
demonstrates that both proteins are expressed in the same crypt
enterocytes (E). The HFE protein shows a strong perinuclear
staining pattern (C and E), whereas the
TfR shows more diffuse intracellular as well as basolateral
membrane-associated immunoreactions (small arrows in D).
Leukocytes in the cellular lamina propria express both proteins (large
arrows in C and D). The green and red
colors in E indicate the HFE protein and TfR
immunoreactions, respectively. Colocalization of HFE and TfR proteins
is indicated by the yellow color. c, crypt region; v, villus. (Bars:
A and B = 100 μm; C
and D = 20 μm; and E = 25