Figure 1.
Polyp multiplicity of offspring from a DBA/2J X C57BL/6J − ApcMin/+ intercross. ApcMin/+ progeny from each mating cage were aged for 130–150 days and then analyzed for polyp number in the small intestines. Black bars represent male progeny, and white bars represent female progeny. (A) Polyp counts of the small intestine in D2B6F1 ApcMin/+ offspring from 4 of 5 mating cages showing the expected results. Average polyp multiplicity ± standard deviation was 48.2 ± 13.1. (B) Polyp counts of the small intestine in D2B6F1 ApcMin/+ offspring from the exceptional mating cage reveal an apparent bimodal distribution in polyp multiplicity. (C) Polyp counts of the small intestine in B6 ApcMin/+ offspring aged for 165–190 days; average polyp multiplicity ± standard deviation was 89.9 ± 25.0.