Sox10 expression and development of oligodendrocyte progenitors in the embryonic spinal cord. X-gal staining (a–h) and in situ hybridizations with probes specific for olig2 (i–p) or PDGF receptor α (q–v) were performed on transverse sections from the forelimb region of embryos. (a–d) Sox10lacZ/+ embryos. (i–l,q–s) Wild-type embryos. (e–h,m–p,t–v) Sox10lacZ/Sox10lacZ embryos. (a,e,i,m) 12.5 dpc. (b,f,j,n,q,t) 14.5 dpc. (c,g,k,o,r,u) 16.5 dpc. (d,h,l,p,s,v) 18.5 dpc. Immunohistochemistry (w–y) on sections of 16.5-dpc Sox10lacZ/+ embryos with antibodies against β-galactosidase (green) and PDGF receptor α (red) alone (w,x) and merged (y). Magnification 400×.