KITWT and KIT mutant phosphorylation
in COS-7 cells. Blotting of immunoprecipitated KIT with an
antiphosphotyrosine antibody (anti-PY, lanes 1–8) confirms in our
system the previously reported results of other researchers (23, 24,
32) showing minimal spontaneous tyrosine phosphorylation of KIT in
COS-7 cells expressing KITWT (lane 1) and high levels of
spontaneous tyrosine phosphorylation of mutant KITs with substitution
in position 816 (lanes 3, 5, and 7). These results serve as controls
for Fig. 2. Increased tyrosine phosphorylation of KITWT is
seen after exposure to exogenous SCF (+, lane 2), but tyrosine
phosphorylation of codon 816 mutants is already maximal, so there is no
increase in response to SCF (compare lanes 4, 6, and 8 with lanes 3, 5,
and 7). After stripping, reprobing of the blot with anti-KIT antibody
demonstrates the relative amounts of protein in each lane (lanes
9–16). Note that much greater amounts of KITWT are needed
to demonstrate spontaneous tyrosine phosphorylation than are needed
with codon 816 mutants (compare lane 9 with lanes 11, 13, and 15) and
that maximal KIT tyrosine phosphorylation is higher in the mutant KITs
than in KITWT (compare lane pairs 2 and 10 with 4 and 12, 6
and 14, and 8 and 16).