Neurodegeneration in NP-C mouse brain revealed by
amino–cupric–silver staining. (A) Layers I–III of the
cortex of a 22-day-old normal mouse showing absence of degenerating
structures. (B) Section through the temporal neocortex (CX),
corpus callosum (CC), cornu ammonis field CA1 (CA), and dentate gyrus
(DG) of a 22-day-old NP-C mouse. Many degenerating terminals are
present in the neuropil of the cerebral cortex (*), although there are
few labeled cell bodies (c.f., C). (C)
Section through the temporal neocortex, corpus callosum (CC), cornu
ammonis field CA1 (CA), and dentate gyrus (DG) of a 72-day-old NP-C
mouse. Large numbers of labeled cell bodies are present in the cerebral
cortex (arrows) in addition to the degenerating terminals. Marked
degeneration is also observed in the neuropil of the hippocampus,
although few degenerating cell bodies are observed in the strata
pyramidale (SP) and granulosum (SG). [Bars = 250 μm
(A and B) and 330 μm