(A) Wild-type, Bim heterozygous (Bim+/–), Bim homozygous–deficient (Bim–/–), TRAIL-deficient (TRAIL–/–), and TRAIL×Bim double-deficient mice (TRAIL–/–×Bim–/–) were injected with anti-Fas antibody, and serum transaminase levels (AST) were analyzed after 4 hours. Mean values ± SD of 4 mice per group are shown. (B) Histological analysis of liver sections from untreated wild-type mice (Bim+/+) or anti-Fas–treated wild-type and Bim-deficient mice (Bim–/–). Low- and high-power magnification of representative samples is shown. (C) Immunohistochemical detection of active caspase 3 (apoptotic cells, red) in control-treated wild-type mice (Bim+/+) or anti-Fas–treated wild-type or Bim-deficient mice (Bim–/–). (D) Hepatocytes isolated from wild-type (Bim+/+) and Bim-deficient (Bim–/–) mice were pretreated with buffer control or 30 ng/ml TRAIL prior to apoptosis induction with increasing concentrations of soluble Fc-FasL. Mean values ± SD of quadruplicates of 1 representative experiment out of 3 are shown. *P < 0.05, Student’s t test, Bim+/+ with or without TRAIL. (E) Western blot analysis of liver extracts from wild-type, TRAIL-deficient (TRAIL–/–), and Bim-deficient (Bim–/–) mice (2 mice per group). Expression levels of Fas, caspase 8, Bid, BimEL, caspase 3, and JNK as loading control are shown.