Northern analysis of Hsc73 mRNA in
several peripheral tissues of rats at proestrus and diestrus-1.
(A) Total RNA from pituitary, uterus, liver, and heart was
subjected to Northern analysis with a Hsc73 cDNA probe
prepared from plasmid pP-U.29. Hsc73 hybridization
signals from representative animals at diestrus-1 and proestrus are
shown above the corresponding ethidium bromide-stained gels. The
intensely staining 28S and 18S rRNA bands are indicated. (B)
To quantitate the Northern results, the intensity of the
Hsc73 hybridization signal, determined by PhosphorImager
analysis, was normalized to the amount of RNA loaded in the
corresponding lane of the gel. Each bar represents the mean ±
SEM. ∗ indicates a significant difference (P <
0.05) between animals at proestrus (n = 3) and
diestrus-1 (n = 4). The magnitude of enhancement of
Hsc73 mRNA at proestrus relative to diestrus-1 observed
in pituitary, uterus, and liver was 52%, 55%, and 40%,