Figure 3.
Mmp37p is required for viability of meiotic progeny. (A) Diploid yeast strain YLM2827 heterozygous at the MMP37 locus (MMP37/mmp37Δ::kanMX) was sporulated and meiotic progeny analyzed after tetrad dissection. The spores were allowed to germinate and grow on YEP 2% glucose containing medium at 30°C. Lanes labeled 1–4 show the growth phenotypes for four different asci, and the individual meiotic progeny are labeled A–D. (B) Diploid yeast strain YLM2827 was transformed with plasmid pRL778 (YCplac33/MMP37). A transformant was sporulated and meiotic progeny analyzed after tetrad dissection. The spores were allowed to germinate and grow on YEP 2% glucose medium at 30°C. Lanes labeled 1–4 show the growth phenotypes for four different asci, and the individual meiotic progeny are labeled A–D. All four spores in each tetrad were confirmed to contain pRL778 by complementation of the ura3 phenotype.