Liquid absorption in lung explants.
(A) Mean whole-lung water content (wet/dry weight ratio)
in βENaC m/m mice (closed triangles) and βENaC +/+ mice (open
circles). ∗, P < 0.05. (B) Liquid
absorptive capacity measured as percentage of cysts that remained
inflated after stimulation by 10−5 M cAMP in explants from
βENaC m/m (black bars) and +/+ mice (white bars) at E16–E18.
(C and D) Short-circuit currents
(ΔIsc) in tracheal explants from newborn
(C) and adult (D) mice. βENaC +/+ (white
bars); βENaC m/m (black bars). Treatment with 10−4 M
amiloride (amil), 3 × 10−4 M terbutaline (terb), and
10−4 M UTP, all of which stimulate Cl−
secretion, confirms the viability of the βENaC m/m explants.