Schematic outline of the T-DNA constructs (drawn to scale), present in locus X21, primary targets Y7 and Y11, and secondary target Zc. (a) Loci X21, Y7, and Zc used to assess transitive silencing of transgenes in A. thaliana; (b) locus Y11 used to assess transitive silencing of endogenes. Silenced locus X21 contains two copies of the DEchs278 T-DNA that are arranged as an IR around the right border. Locus Zc is a single-copy locus. The copy number of the Y7 and Y11 loci is unknown. 3′chs, 3′-UTR of the chalcone synthase gene of Anthirrinum majus; 3′g7, 3′-UTR of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine T-DNA gene 7; 3′nos, 3′-UTR of the nopaline synthase gene; bar, bialaphos acetyltransferase-coding sequence conferring phosphinothricin resistance; CAT2 800, last 800 nt of the A. thaliana CAT2 sequence; gus c.s., gus-coding sequence; hpt, hygromycin phosphotransferase-coding sequence; I, artificial intron; nptII c.s., neomycin phosphotransferase II-coding sequence; P35S, CaMV 35S promoter; Pnos, nopaline synthase promoter; Pss, promoter of the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase; LB, left T-DNA border; RB, right T-DNA border.