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. 2006 Jun 30;8(3):210. doi: 10.1186/bcr1510

Table 1.

Studies using array-CGH on breast cancer samples or breast cancer cell lines

Patient source or cell line Array platform Resolution (Mb) Ref.
2 Human cell lines, inclusing breast (BT474) 18,664 oligo nucleotides ~0.15 [16]
BC (n = 5) 32 k tiling BAC Sub-Mb [17]
Primary BC (n = 33), BC cell line (n = 27) Genome-wide BAC and high resolution on 8p11-12 ~1.5 [18]
FFPE BC (n = 44) 4153 BAC <1 [24]
Comparison of FFPE with frozen BC 2464 BAC 1.5 [27]
Gain in 47% BC (unpublished results) See Pinkel and coworkers [2] [32]
FFPE BC (n = 31) 471 BAC/PAC 15 [47]
BRCA1 (n = 14), BRCA2 (n = 12), sporadic (n = 26) 3.5 k BAC 1 [58]
1 Case report 1777 BAC ~1.5 [66]
24 pairs LCIS + ILC ~2400 BAC 1.5 [68]
4 synchronous tumours (2 BC and 2 leiomyosarcomas) 2.5 k BAC 1.5 [70]
BC cell line (n = 1) 6 k BAC <1 [93]
11 BC cell lines 2464 BAC (Hum-Array1.14) 1.5 [95]
52 node-negative invasive BC 57 oncogene loci (AmpliOncâ„¢) [96]
Premenopausal BC and radiation (n = 47) 3.5 k BAC 1 [107]
16 cell lines (8 of them BC) 9862 SNPs [108]
2 BC cell lines 2560 BAC 1.5 [109]
47 fresh-frozen IDC BC 4134 BAC 0.9 [110]

BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; BC, breast cancer; CGH, comparative genomic hybridization; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; IDC, invasive ductal carcinoma; ILC, invasive lobular carcinoma; LCIS, lobular carcinoma in situ; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.