Figure 2.
Southern blot hybridisation of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA from different bacterial species using a digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probe for mrgRS: a) B. pseudomallei isolates, pMRG2 contains a 4.3 kb EcoRI fragment of B. pseudomallei genomic DNA, spanning most of the mrgRS locus, inserted in pUC18 and digested with EcoRI b) B. thailandensis, other Burkholderia species, including B. cocovenenans (B. coco.), B. plantarii (B. plant.), B. vietnamiensis (B. viet.), B. cepacia (B. cep.) and B. vandii (B. van.), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aer.), Pseudomonas fluorescens (P. fluo.) and E. coli. Lane M, λ-HindIII markers with molecular sizes (in kilobases) indicated on the left. See Table 1 for isolate details. All of the samples in the figure were separated on the same single agarose gel, transferred to the same single nylon membrane, and hybridized in the same single hybridization tube using the same labeled probe. The image of the resulting single Southern blot is reproduced in the figure as 2 panels, a) and b), for convenience and clarity and therefore pMRG2 represents a positive control for all samples.