Comparison of LjNPP2C1 transcript
levels in wild-type uninoculated roots (control), inoculated roots of
nonnodulating mutant lines LjEMS34, LjEMS46, LjEMS70, and LjEMS76,
white (LjEMS75 white) and pink (LjEMS75 pink) nodules of mutant line
LjEMS75, and 35-day-old wild-type nodules (A), and wild-type
uninoculated roots (control), white nodule-like structures induced on
the mutant line LjEMS88, and 35- and 21-day-old wild-type nodules
(B). The blots shown in A and B were
sequentially hybridized with [α-32P]dATP-labeled probes
corresponding to the LjNPP2C1 cDNA, the L.
japonicus leghemoglobin gene (EST LjN77; ref.
8), and a S. rostrata ubiquitin cDNA, as loading