Figure 3.
Expression of the OS-ACS5 gene during development. Macroscopic histochemical analysis of transgenic line pRG11-2. A through D and G, Seedlings (in B, the endosperm was removed to reveal the scutellum); E, F, and H, part of the immature seedling stem; I, junction of lamina and leaf sheath of the first leaf, staining in auricle area; J, part of the lamina of the second leaf; K, part of a primary root and lateral roots; L, lateral roots. Plant age: 2 d (A), 3 d (B), 5 d (C–G), 9 d (H-K), 8 weeks (L). A, Auricle; C, coleoptile; CN, coleoptile node; IL, imperfect leaf; IN, initiation site of the lateral root; L1, first true leaf; R, radicle; S, stem; SC, scutellum.