Anti-CagA antibodies recognize PTYR. AGS cells were infected with the Hp strain 87A300. Lysis (lys), fractionation, and immunoprecipitation (imp) of infected (AGS+Hp) and uninfected (AGS) tissue culture cells were performed as described for Fig. 1. The fractions were analyzed with different antibodies: polyclonal human anti-Hp (A), polyclonal anti-CagA serum and preserum (pre; B), and monoclonal anti-CagA antibody (LDS 56; C). All three antibodies recognized the same bands including immunoprecipitated PTYR. (post imp, postimmunoprecipitation.) (D) CagA immunoprecipitated from infected cells with polyclonal anti-CagA serum (imp α-CagA) was recognized with anti-PY.