U-73122 reduces the activity of a recombinant
plant PI-PLC, whereas the inactive analogue U-73343 has no effect on
the activity. The PI-PLC clone isolated from a guard-cell-enriched cDNA
library of N. rustica was expressed as a recombinant GST
fusion protein. This protein appeared as a discrete band when analyzed
by SDS/PAGE [Inset, lane 1, molecular mass markers of
200, 116, 97, 66, and 45 kDa; lane 2, 1 μg of
affinity-chromatography-purified GST-PI-PLC (arrowhead)]. After a
15-min preincubation with increasing concentrations of U-73122 (closed
circles) or U-73343 (open circles), the activity of the recombinant
plant PI-PLC was determined with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
as the substrate. Values were expressed as a percentage of the activity
in the absence of U-73122 or U-73343; 100% of PI-PLC activity
represents 300–500 nmol⋅min−1 per mg of protein.