Cartilage slices from wild-type and dtd mice were metabolically labelled with [35S]cysteine and [3H]glucosamine; GAGs were then purified and digested with chondroitinase ABC and ACII and released disaccharides were separated by HPLC and counted for 3H activity. The relative amount of non-sulfated disaccharide (ΔDi-0S) in dtd mice was significantly increased compared with wild-type mice, indicating proteoglycan undersulfation. At the same time, the 35S/3H ratio in mono-sulfated disaccharides was measured and values demonstrated that sulfur from cysteine catabolism can provide sulfate for proteoglycan sulfation as observed in GAGs. Results shown are the means±S.D. for cartilage organ cultures from four dtd and wild-type mice. *P<0.05; **P<0.001.