GGH promoter methylation status in normal leukocytes and AML cells. A, NMSP analysis of the GGH promoter in normal peripheral leukocytes (white blood cells [WBC]) isolated from 22 children with ALL. M = methylated CpG island; U = unmethylated CpG island. B, NMSP analysis of the GGH promoter in leukemia cells isolated from six children with primary AML. C, Comparison of GGH expression in leukemia cells (ALL) and normal leukocytes (WBC) from patients with ALL (n=16). Group 1 includes patients whose leukemia cells contained methylated CpG1 and CpG2; group 2, patients whose leukemia cells contained methylated CpG1 but not methylated CpG2; and group 3, patients in whose leukemia cells CpG1 was not methylated. CpG1 was not methylated in the normal leukocytes (WBC) of all patients.