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. 2006 Jul 3;6:10. doi: 10.1186/1472-6831-6-10

Table 1.

Distribution of 12-year-old schoolchildren according to dependent and independent variables.

Dependent variable Categories Number (%)
State of teeth Good 644 (77)
Bad 194 (23)

Independent variables

Gender Girls 359 (43)
Boys 479 (57)
Place of residence Rural 616 (74)
Urban 222 (26)
Socio-economic status Poor 212 (25)*
Middle class 585 (70)
High class 40 (5)
School performance Good 681 (81)
Poor 157 (19)

Bleeding gums No 143(17)
Yes 695 (83)
Bad breath No 547 (65)
Yes 291 (35)
Toothache No 266 (32)*
Yes 571 (68)
Food impaction No 239 (29)
Yes 599 (71)
Dental visits Never 504 (60)
Yes 334 (40)
Satisfied with appearance of teeth Satisfied 526 (63)
Dissatisfied 312 (37)
Oral health knowledge Good 487 (59)*
Poor 344 (41)

Caries experience DMFT = 0 612 (73)
DMFT > 0 226 (27)
Oral hygiene index Good 681 (81)
Fair 157 (19)
Anterior teeth fracture No 787 (94)
Yes 51 (6)

* The totals of the numbers in the categories do not add up to 838 because of missing data