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. 2005 Jul 11;272(1572):1525–1534. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3056

Table 2.

Confounding influences of inherited symbionts on the interpretation of the history of a species from mtDNA.

observation classical explanation alternative
low mtDNA diversity within population bottleneck of species due to colonization or population size contraction recent spread of a symbiont or new strain of existing symbiont
high mtDNA diversity within population large and old population presence of more than one symbiont strain within population maintains diversity
low mtDNA diversity between populations exchange of genes on regular basis or recent isolation symbiont-induced selective sweep through both populations, homogenizing mtDNA
high mtDNA diversity between populations historical isolation of populations presence of different symbiont strains maintaining haplotype structure despite nuclear gene flow
paraphyly of single species on mtDNA-based tree true paraphyly or incorrect previous ascertainment of species status transfer of symbiont via hybridization, followed by selective sweep. Good species, not paraphyletic
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