Figure 3.
Scattergrams of the male alarm calling duration (in a and b on the y-axis; in c on the x-axis) versus three different durations from the initial noticing of the fake tiger, until the onset or cessation of alarm calling by females or independent offspring. (a) The male calling period does not depend on the duration until the onset of calling by females or offspring (r=−0.27, p=0.396). (b) The male stops calling shortly after the first alarm call of the last female or offspring has sounded (r=0.99, p<0.001). (c) All females and offspring have ceased calling within about five minutes after the male has stopped (r=0.98, p<0.001). In figures (b) and (c) the line y=x has been added to show that both regression lines run parallel to the line y=x.