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. 2006 Jan 6;273(1589):975–982. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3307

Table 2.

Skeletal characters for Acropora which were discernible in fossils, with their character states. (Scheme 1, character numbering used by Wallace (1999), scheme 2 that used by Wolstenholme et al. (2003). States include all known to be possible for extant material; no new states seen in the fossil specimens examined.)

character states scheme
1 2
branch formation around a single axial corallite/more than one axial corallite 1
branching orders tertiary or later orders: present/not present 2 1
predominant outline cuneiform/arborescent/hispidose/encrusting/elkhorn/corymbose/tabulara 3 2
coenosteum same on and between radial corallites/different on and between radial corallites 6 4
coenosteum on radial corallites costate or reticulo-costatea/open spinules 7 5
coenosteum between radial corallites reticulo-costate/reticulatea/open spinules 8 6
radial corallite sizes one size or graded/two distinct sizesa 10 8
radial corallite inner wall developed/not developed/neither inner or outer wall developed 11 9
radial corallite shape nariform/dimidiate/lipped/tubular/appressed tubulara/conical/rounded appressed/round tubular/immersed 12 10
radial corallites relative size very large/large/medium/small 16 13
maximum branch thickness >20 mm /20–25 mm/10–19.9 mm/<5–9.9 mm /2.5–4.9 mm/<2.5 mm 17 14
radial crowding radials do not touch/some radials touch/radials crowded, touching 20 17

Character states illustrated in figure 3.