Figure 5.
General (whole-genome) evaluation example. (a) Example of a genome-wide evaluation of several different high-throughput datasets using our framework. These datasets include five protein-protein interaction datasets, including yeast 2-hybrid [16,34,35] and affinity precipitation data [14,36], and two gene expression microarray studies [37,38]. Pearson correlation was used as a similarity metric for the gene expression data. The functional composition of the correctly classified set can be investigated at any point along the precision-recall trade-off, as is illustrated for the Gasch et al. co-expression data. This analysis reveals that a large fraction of the true positive predictions (> 60%) made by this dataset are associations of proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis. Of the 500 true positive pairs identified at this threshold, 298 are pairs between proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis, suggesting that the apparent superior reliability may not be general across a wider range of processes. (b) The same form of evaluation as in (a), but with a single GO term ("ribosome biogenesis and assembly," GO:0042254) excluded from the analysis, a standard option in our evaluation framework. With this process excluded, the evaluation shows that neither of the co-expression datasets is as generally reliable as the physical binding datasets. Additional functional biases can be interrogated through this analysis and corrected if necessary.