Figure 6.
Insm1 is essential for the differentiation of enteroendocrine cells. Immunohistological analysis of the intestine of Insm1lacZ/+ and Insm1lacZ/Insm1lacZ mice at E18.5, using antibodies directed against chromogranin A (A,B), neurotensin (D,E), substance P (G,H), serotonin (J,K), CCK (M,N), and secretin (P,Q) (all shown in green); in addition, antibodies against β-galactosidase (shown in red) were used. The proportion of β-galactosidase+ cells that express chromogranin A (C), neurotensin (F), substance P (I), serotonin (L), CCK (O), and secretin (R) are displayed. Sections were counterstained with TOTO-3 (blue). Single and double asterisks indicate p-values of <0.005 and <0.0001, respectively. Bar, 20 μm.