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. 2005;2005:689–693.

Table 3.

User Impressions of the User Interface.

Question Mean (Std Dev)
PDA Tablet
Characters on the PDA/Tablet are: 1 = Hard to read 5 = Easy to read 4.11 (0.78) 4.44 (0.53)
* Organization of the information on the PDA/Tablet is: 1 = Confusing 5 = Very Clear 3.67 (0.86) 4.22 (0.44)
Sequence of the screens on the PDA/Tablet is: 1 = Confusing 5 = Very Clear 3.56 (1.13) 3.89 (0.60)
Learning to navigate the PDA/Tablet seems: 1 = Difficult 5 = Easy 3.67 (0.71) 3.89 (0.78)
Tasks can be performed in a straightforward manner: 1 = Never 5 = Always 3.78 (0.44) 3.78 (0.97)
* My location within the PDA/Tablet at any given moment was: 1 = Never apparent 5 = Always apparent 3.56 (0.53) 4.44 (0.72)

statistically significant difference at p<0.05