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. 2006 Jul 14;91(7):2427–2435. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.106.081802


Experimentally determined midpoint-folding transitions for RNase A and SNase

Protein Description Temperature [K] pH Folding pressure [bar] Reference
Ribonuclease A WT 313 5.5 5930 (64)
F46V 313 5.5 1740
F46E 283 5.5 1540
F46K 283 5.5 1020
Staphylococcal nuclease WT 294 5.5 2047 (54)
V66A 294 5.5 890
WT 294 4.5 1090 (65)
A69T+A90S 294 7.0 80

Mutations are described as: original amino-acid residue; residue location; and mutated amino-acid residue. For instance, the mutation of the 46th residue of a chain from Phe to Val is represented as F46V.