Figure 2.
Location of HVRs on both the primary and tertiary capsid structure of AAV2. (A) A total of 12 HVRs were identified and are highlighted in red on the figure in combination with their respective AAV2 coordinates. Plotted along the x axis are the coordinates of the 38 VP1 protein sequence alignments in combination with the AAV2 residue. Gaps in the AAV2 sequence are denoted with X. The y axis represents 100 − Q, an indicator of variation in the alignment. More variation is represented by a higher number. The black arrows indicate the N terminus of the different capsid proteins. (B) Ten HVRs (HVRs 3–12) of the AAV capsid protein are located on the resolved x-ray structure of the AAV2 capsid. Each capsid facet contains three subunits, one of which is highlighted (Upper Left; PDB ID code 1LP3). (Upper Right) A schematic shows the relative orientation of the 20 capsid facets and the five-, three-, and twofold symmetry elements. A ribbon drawing of facet with HVRs colored as viewed from the outside (Left), edge (Center), and inside (Right) of the virus. All these HVRs are located on the surface of the virion, and most are clustered in the threefold-related towers.