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. 2006 Apr 24;4:8. doi: 10.1186/1478-7547-4-8

Table 8.

Results of regression for price of water in m3

Number of observations = 86 Adjusted r2 = 0.7899 F statistic = 161 p of F statistic < 0.0001
Variable Coefficient SE T P
ln GDP per capita -1.124 .0645 -17.43 0.000
ln Total Water Consumption -.0592 .0460 -1.29 0.201
Constant 1.457 .6044 2.41 0.018

Dependent variable: log ratio of price of water in m3 to GDP per capita.

Breusch-Pagan test of heteroskedasticity:1.87 (p Chi2 = 0.17)

VIF test for multicolinearity:1.03 (less than 2 indicates no multicollinearity)