Figure 2.
(A) RT-PCR experiment using T. monococcum
G3116 (winter growth habit) and AP1-,
AGLG1-, and actin-specific primers. The
PCRs for the three genes were performed by using the same cDNA samples.
Lanes 1–5 indicate leaves. Lane 1, before vernalization; lanes 2–4,
2, 4, and 6 weeks of vernalization, respectively; lane 5, 2 weeks after
vernalized plants were returned to the greenhouse; lane 6, unvernalized
apices; lane 7, 6-week vernalized apices; and lane 8, young spikes.
(B) AP1 transcription levels in leaves
relative to actin measured by quantitative PCR. Lanes 1–5, leaves from
plants at the same vernalization stage as samples 1–5 in
A. Units are values linearized by using the
) method, where
CT is the threshold cycle.